Creation of the National Climate Change Commission

National Climate Change Commission

In the context of global climate changes, the Republic of Moldova is taking an important step by creating the National Climate Change Commission. The Commission was established based on Government Resolution No. 425 of June 12, 2024, in accordance with Law No. 74/2024 on Climate Actions.

The National Climate Change Commission is a non-legal interdepartmental body created at the governmental level.

Goals and Objectives of the Commission

  • Facilitate dialogue and coordination between economic sectors in the process of planning, developing, coordinating, implementing, and monitoring climate change policies and actions.
  • Stimulate the inclusion of climate change measures in the socio-economic development programmatic documents at the national and sectoral levels.
  • Coordinate the allocation of financial resources from national and international sources for the implementation of climate actions.
  • Ensure transparency in the implementation of climate programs and actions.

The Commission includes key ministers: the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Energy, the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection, the Minister of Education and Research, and the Minister of Internal Affairs under the aegis of the Prime Minister. The composition is approved by the Government.

Powers and Rights of the Commission

The Commission is endowed with broad powers, including the coordination of the development and integration of climate change policies, ensuring the alignment of sectoral commitments, facilitating budget planning, and approving methodologies and guidelines. The Commission also interacts with international structures and development partners.

Working Bodies of the Commission

  • Executive Bureau: Consists of ministers.
  • Secretariat: Representatives from the Climate Change Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment.
  • Sectoral Working Groups: Groups focused on agriculture, water resources, forestry, health, energy, transport, waste, industrial processes, and disaster risk management.

The Commission meets regularly to discuss and coordinate current issues and tasks. Key aspects of organizing meetings include:

  • Meeting Frequency: The Commission holds regular meetings at least once a quarter. Extraordinary meetings can be organized if necessary.
  • Agenda: The agenda for each meeting is formed by the Secretariat based on proposals from the Commission members and approved by the Chairman.
  • Attendance and Quorum: More than half of the Commission members must be present to make decisions. Decisions are made by majority vote.
  • Documentation: All meetings are recorded, and the decisions and recommendations of the Commission are published on the official website to ensure transparency and inform the public.