June 2024

June 2024

Posts in the category “Climate change news” are published monthly. The topic of the news is the major events of the Moldovan climate regulation.

In addition to news publications, the CarbonCredits.MD portal contains basic information:

Regulatory framework

About the National Commission on Climate Change

The Government has approved a draft decision on the National Commission on Climate Change. The powers, rights and structure of the Commission, as well as the Secretariat of the Commission and sectoral working groups are defined. The Commission’s objectives are to integrate climate change measures into socio-economic development policies and to promote the implementation of climate action.

Periodicity of the Commission’s work: quarterly on the basis of the annual program developed by the secretariat of the Ministry of Environment and approved by the Commission.

On the Environmental Strategy for 2024-2030

The Government has approved a draft resolution on the Environmental Strategy for 2024-2030, developed by the Ministry of the Environment. The document is intended to facilitate the convergence of national legislation with the directives of the European Union, setting goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change.