May 2024

May 2024

Posts in the category “Climate change news” are published monthly. The topic of the news is the major events of the Moldovan climate regulation.

In addition to news publications, the CarbonCredits.MD portal contains basic information:

Regulatory framework

The President of the Republic of Moldova has promulgated the Law on Climate Action

By Decree No. 1444-IX dated May 15, 2024, the President of the Republic of Moldova promulgated the Law on Climate Action. More details on the law can be found in the linked article.


Meeting of the Ministry of Environment with representatives of the World Bank

The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova held a meeting with representatives of the World Bank. The CCDP (Country Climate and Development Report) was discussed in terms of decarbonization policy to accelerate EU membership and ensure energy security. Cooperation was discussed with key groups of specialists, experts with whom the World Bank cooperates, for possible support in the preparation of the Republic of Moldova for phase II of the transposition of Directive 2003/87 /EU on the establishment of a greenhouse gas emissions trading system.