Non-market climate projects

Non-market climate projects

Non-market climate projects for adaptation

Name of the non-market climate project,
Point of the project
Enhancing human security in Moldova through agri-food resilience to intensifying external and climate shocks
The project is under implementation
Implementation period: 2024-2025
Donor: Government of Japan
Budget: US$500 000
Beneficiaries: Ministry of Environment, State Hydrometeorological Service, Local Public Authorities, NGO representatives 
– To improve the climate and disaster risk management in the country though upgraded agro-meteorological, hydrological monitoring system and data analytic;
– To establish a solid foundation for implementation of the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures and budgeting at the local level.

Expected results:
– At least 4 agrometeorological stations (new automatic whether stations AWS or sensors added to existing AWSs) installed and connected to the national monitoring system;
– At least 4 hydrometeorological stations (new ones or full range of or hydro – meteorological sensors added to the existing stations) installed and connected to the national monitoring system;
– At least 7 decision-making persons with experience and knowledge in climate services and early warning for agri-sector; 
– At least 7 district towns benefit from climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction plans; 
– At least 20 representatives of LPAs with enhanced knowledge and capacities on accessing finance for climate related activities.  
Enabling an Inclusive Green Transition in the Republic of Moldova
The project is under implementation
Implementation period: 2023-2027
Donor: EU
Budget: US$ 11 010 000
Beneficiaries: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Ministry of Energy, local public authorities, academia, the private sector, civil society, the energy distributors
Support the Government of Moldova to engage sustainably in a transformative green agenda by enhancing awareness, building capacities, and encouraging investments in low-emission and resource-efficient economy.
Expected results:
– Improved institutional coordination and stakeholders’ participation in green transition policy processes through the establishment and strengthening of relevant stakeholder platforms, partnerships and networks, with secured gender-balanced participation and appropriate multilevel coordination mechanisms in place;
– Improved evidence bases for policy dialogues and decision making on the potential for an inclusive green transition in the Republic of Moldova, including from the gender perspective;
– Inclusive and gender-responsive green transition in key economic areas fostered through an agreed project pipeline and pilot initiatives developed;
– Skills, knowledge, and expertise necessary for green transition are put in place, with women and youth promoted as agents of change for green transition at different levels (households, business and institutions);
– Awareness raised and capacities created at national and local level, within private and public sector level to advocate for and advance the green development agenda in Moldova, while leaving no one behind;
– Pilot green projects on energy and eco-innovation deployed with the view of attracting additional private investments (including empowering women to develop start-ups in these areas);
– New business models set up along the circular economy value chain and in line with the clean and resource efficient production approach, making sure to integrate also a gender dimension (through dedicated support to women-led businesses);
– The use of renewable energy technologies and innovative sustainable transport and mobility solutions expanded in view of contributing to the emissions reduction;
– Evidence based monitoring and evaluation of progress facilitated through delivery and installing of regular air monitoring stations of the Moldovan air quality monitoring system.